Number 11: The Loneliness Gene in the Digital Age

you need a friend


We evolved to have secure relationships with others. When these relationships are threatened, we are genetically programmed to feel the pain of loneliness. In the same way that the feelings of hunger or thirst tell us to find food and water, the feeling of loneliness tells us to find people to be with. The types of relationships we are used to today are not the same as when we were evolving, due in part to the qualities of the digital age. Loneliness is on the rise. We need new approaches to overcoming loneliness. Continue reading

Number 7: Find Happiness in What You Do


Humans do things. This is an obvious observation, but an important one. We never just sit idle — even when it appears we are doing nothing. We breathe, think, move around, look at things, listen to things, work, play, talk, etc. We are always doing something. The challenge is to find happiness in what you do, no matter what it is.

The challenge is to find happiness in what you do, no matter what it is.

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